About A’more Marketing
After a long association in the Gaming and Hospitality industries, Marketing is my forte.
The name A’more Marketing comes about combining my initials and my love of marketing.
For many small and medium sized venues, marketing is often left to the Manager or ‘someone who has the time’ and all too often, effective marketing falls by the wayside, and therefore, so does the business!
So, A’more Marketing offers your business a marketing service, whether it’s a one-off re-branding or a special project or as regular “hour/s per week” basis.
Experience in the industry, not only in a Marketing role for a medium sized venue but also as a Sales & Marketing Consultant for a Graphic Design & Print company ensures that your business receives quality yet value for money.
As part of A’more Marketing’s offering, check out the Fun Trivia packages we have available to you at low cost, complete with Generic or Custom signage, easy instructions, 40 Questions each week and all you’ll ever need to offer your patrons great, fun trivia. It’s a proven formula which, for very little outlay, supports and builds areas of your venue such as Dining, Gaming and Bar.
Give A’more Marketing a call today!
Anna Mellis
A’more Marketing
M. 0423 048 695