Fun Trivia
So, you’d like to offer trivia at your venue. But, researching the list of Questions is time consuming and difficult — especially if you need to deliver 40 new questions each week!
Maybe it’s that, or…
- Are you finding that your current Trivia is not really working?
- Is it too expensive to be viable?
- Is it too difficult to run logistically?
Or, even worse…
- Has the patronage fallen?
- Do the questions make some patrons feel like they are a “dummy”? (no-one enjoys that!)
Well, A’more Marketing has the answer for you!
Introducing Fun Trivia
- 40 × Fun Trivia questions — 2 × rounds of 20 Questions + 4 × Who/What am I? Clues — where you decide what you’d like to offer your patrons during the break! (Badge draw? Raffle? Or just time listening to background music, having a drink and discussing the first round with the other members of their team)
- The formula for Fun Trivia, which includes, 5 × ‘Fun Pics’ for recognition/naming, has been proven — and has been running in venues for over 3 years! Fun Trivia now has a huge following in existing venues. This has resulted in increases in turnover in all areas of these venues including, Gaming, Dining and Bar.
- Fun Trivia can be offered FREE or at a “Team Entry Fee” — You decide!
- You can offer prizes (or not, depending on what works in your venue) — eg. Team Entry Fees can be “The Pot” Prize for the winning team.
The Fun Trivia Kit includes:
- Generic Poster/s for display in your venue
- 40 Questions emailed to you, each week
- 1 × Fun Pic Trivia Sheet — each week
- 50 × Team Answer Sheets (to start)
Fun Trivia Sample Questions
Take a look at some Fun Trivia sample questions (Host’s sheet with answers and Questions, as well as ‘Fun Pics’ famous faces)
What then?
All you need is a staff member, who can read the questions (unusual words presented phonetically) and tally up the scores — once after the 1st round and again after the 2nd.
All you need to decide is…
- To be, or NOT to be FREE?
- Should there be prizes?
… and, order your Fun Trivia Kit!
Looking forward to providing you with great Fun Trivia each week, that your patrons are guaranteed to enjoy!